Statement Of Faith

We believe in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, in their original writing, as fully inspired of God and accept them as the supreme and final authority for faith and life.


That God Almighty is the one and only true God.

That Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary is the only begotten son of the Father. That He is God manifested and dwelt among men.

That He is God, manifested, and dwelt among men.

That all men have sinned and need redemption from their sins in order to have everlasting life in Heaven as opposed to eternal death in Hell.

That Jesus Christ died for the sins of all mankind on the cross and that salvation is available through Him alone.

That a Christian is someone who has consciously and willingly accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

That all activities in the lives of believers must be guided and directed by the Word of God which is the Bible.

That the ministry and gifts of the Holy Spirit to believers, as experienced by the early Church, is for us today.

That in accordance with the Scriptures, Jesus Christ will come again to reign on Earth and at the final judgement will judge each man individually for what he has believed, done, said and thought.

LCI has a primary role of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ by any means which is not contrary to the laws of the country where any LCI church is located.


To provide a solid foundation of Bible-based instruction, equipping our members to preach and teach the Gospel, while abiding by the laws where the church is located.


To build 25,000 churches

To have churches in all the 195 nations of the world

To fight fiercely and relentlessly in all battles for the advancement of the churches and the Gospel

To produce radical Christians who work for God

To go to heaven and hear Jesus say; "Well Done Good And Faithful Servant."